The Zonta Club of Miami Lakes is an organization of business and professional women dedicated to improving the circumstances of women at all stages of life, both locally and globally, through community service and fundraising.
The individual Zonta Club is the basic organizational unit of Zonta International. Clubs are organized with 20-100 members or Zontians, who pursue Zonta's mission and goals through service and advocacy and fund-raising efforts. Each club operates under the direction of an elected club president and elected club board.
We are designers, directors, educators, engineers, entrepreneurs, investors, lawyers, managers, nurses, physicians, real estate agents, reporters, travel agents, business owners and more. Some of us work full time, and others part time- a few of us are retirees. But what we all share a commitment to working or women's rights and gender equality.
Our Club History
The Zonta Club of Miami Lakes was chartered in June,1984. Since that time, we have grown and strengthened our club while focusing our projects on Zonta’s mission of advancing and improving that status of women. With our fundraising efforts, we have raised and contributed thousands of dollars to local charities as Casa Valentina, Message from Marli, Women’s Breast Health Initiative, CHARLEE, Women in Distress, and Women’s Fund. In recent years, our Service Projects have benefitted local organizations such as Florida(now Woman’s) Breast Health Initiative, Lotus House, Honey Shine, Save A Life, Woman’s Alliance, Girl Power, and GAP (Girls Advocacy Program). Our projects and fund raising continue to get bigger and better.
Zonta Club of Miami Lakes is a part of District 11 and Area 3 of Zonta International.
Founded in 1919, Zonta International is a global non-sectarian and non-partisan organization of executives and professionals working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. With more than 31,000 members belonging to more than 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 64 countries and geographic areas, Zontians all over the world volunteer their time, talents and support to local and international service projects, as well as scholarship programs aimed at fulfilling Zonta's mission and objectives.
Our Objectives Are:
To improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health and professional status of women at the global and local level through service and advocacy.
To work for the advancement of understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of executives in business and the professions.
To promote justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
To be united internationally to foster high ethical standards, to implement service programs, and to provide mutual support and fellowship for members who serve their communities, their nations, and the world.
Our President's Welcome
Friday July 8, 2022
Dear Zisters,
I would like to thank you for placing your trust and confidence to elect me to serve as your President for 2022-2023.Our mission is best seen through our service and advocacy efforts performed by our club. We are a team of dedicated and committed members, impacting the lives of women and girls in local communities and across the globe.
I want to share and assure you of what my intentions are: they are to grow our club. In order to do so we must:
Increase our visibility, communication, and membership. I would encourage all members to step outside their comfort zones, new explore new horizons, from new friendships, and rise above the challenges to meet this goal.
Diversity is a source of strength, innovation, and vibrancy. Always appreciating the contributions and ideas that come from a diverse group of members, we can best fulfill our role as an advocacy organization working for the benefit of all women.

Marie Korenstein
This year we received a Scholarship Award from the Area 3 Meeting- District 11. Presently we award scholarships to students at FIU, PACE, and Lotus house annually. We received an endowment of $15,000 from one of our past members, to be awarded over five years. We are proud to announce that Maria Crowley one of are own who was Area Director is now Lieutenant Governor for District 11. So well deserved!!!!!!!!!!!
I look forward to a year of fun, partnership and making contributions in our community and internationally.
Thank you again for your trust!
Marie Korenstein
President of the Zonta Club of Miami Lakes
2022- 2023 Board

Dallas Gory
1st Vice President

Peggy Hicks
Recording Secretary

Donna Cumberland

Audrey Watkins
2nd Vice President

Jan Hammond
Corresponding Secretary

Grethel Kunkel

Helen Brown

Magaly Rubio
Past President

Cathie Inman

Sally Whitton