Armani will be starting her journey at Miami- Dade College's Medical Campus this Fall, where she will be plans to study dental hygiene
The 2019 PACE Scholarship winner is Ms. Armani Thomas. Armani was selected for her hard work, dedication to turning around her academic path, and acceptance into college. She will be starting at Miami- Dade College this fall with plans to be a dental hygienist.

Pace Miami is an innovative prevention and intervention program that addresses the needs of girls who have suffered trauma and consequently are failing in school or at risk of becoming involved in the Juvenile Justice system. This holistic approach combining academic services and social services therefore offering small classroom instruction, one-on-one counseling, case management, health and wellness coaching . This model encourages girls to find and use their voices and empowers them to realize their true and full potential.

PACE and the ZCML Scholarship
Pace Miami has had a long relationship with the Zonta Club of Miami Lakes. Our members regularly volunteer with the organization and attend their events. But this annual scholarship is one of our most significant efforts as it is available only to girls in the PACE Miami program who are attending post secondary school. We look forward to continuing to help PACE girls moving into the next chapter of their lives!