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Surprises for Children at Lotus House

Updated: Jul 11, 2024

ZCML Zisters address pressing needs for the children during the pandemic

Lotus House is committed to advancing the status of women and children, providing sanctuary with deep therapeutic supports to heal and enriched resources to reclaim lives marked by violence, poverty and discrimination, so that they may blossom into who they are meant to be. The ZCML made a visit to Lotus House in Miami with our annual donation of children's clothes/books and toiletries on June 30th. While there, our Zisters also got a chance to view some of the latest innovations at the center.

Pictured with Beatrix Gonzalez (Lotus House's Community Outreach Director) are ZCML Members Astrid Flaherty, Marie Korenstein, Sally Whitton and Peggy Hicks. Lotus House is one of the organizations the ZCML supports. You can read more about their work and our continued support of this important organization on our website using the link here.


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