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Revenge Pornography as form of Violence against Women

Updated: Jul 11, 2024

October General Meeting speaker presents her Facebook funded research

As part of its mission to address violence against women, the Zontas of Miami Lakes often brings in speakers to share their knowledge and experience with related topics. For our October meeting, We hosted Ms. Yanet Ruvalcaba, a doctoral student in the Developmental Psychology Program at Florida International University.

Yanet's presentation was titled "It Could Happen to You: Online Non-consensual Pornography & Adult Women’s Risk.” Yanet Ruvalcaba, collaborates with the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) as part of their research team. The CCRI is a non-profit organization serving thousands of victims around the world and advocating for technological, social, and legal innovation to fight online abuse. Working together with CCRI, the CCRI Non-consensual Porn National Prevalence Study was launched in an effort to collect nationally representative data to estimate the prevalence of NCP perpetration and victimization nation-wide, and to examine the risk factors for and consequences of NCP victimization and perpetration.

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