Welcome chapter's leadership for 2019- 2020

On May 23, 2019, the club held the annual end of year banquet and installation of officers ceremony at Shula’s Hotel. The new board is a mix of long term and newer ZCML members; we are excited about what their plans are for the coming year!

We also had an interesting speaker from the Town of Miami Lakes Council- the Honorable Marilyn Ruano. She was appointed by the current mayor to fill a vacancy, and is currently the only women on the Town Council, and spoke about the importance of her work as a long term resident. Ms. Ruano was raised in Miami Lakes and spoke about her commitment to ensuring that the community continues to support its residents and meet its needs in an ever changing world. It was a very full evening and thoroughly enjoyed by all the members and guests.
Hon. Marilyn Ruano, Town of Miami Lakes Council Member