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Our Scholarships

Amelia Earhart Scholarships for
High School & College/University Women

ZONTA International is a prominent global organization dedicated to empowering women through service and advocacy. The Amelia Earhart Scholarship program enables young women to overcome obstacles and pursue college degrees in various fields. Many alumnae have excelled as astronauts, aerospace engineers, professors, and university leaders, contributing to ZONTA’s mission of advancing educational opportunities for women and girls worldwide.​


The ZONTA Club of Miami Lakes proudly offers two annual scholarships - see details below:

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Amelia Earhart College/ University Scholarship
The ZONTA Club of Miami Lakes offers a $1000.00 scholarship to a young woman currently enrolled in an accredited Florida college or university program in a science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) related program.  The purpose of the scholarship is to improve the “Status of Women” consistent with the mission of Zonta, and to honor fellow Zontian Amelia Earhart’s accomplishments. 


Applicants must demonstrate a superior academic record at a recognized Florida college or university program with accredited courses leading to undergraduate degree, as verified by official transcripts. The qualifying recipient will receive the $1000 award and be honored at the ZONTA Club of Miami Lakes Amelia Earhart luncheon in January.


Applicants should fill out the required form and submit it, along with supporting documents to Please write Amelia Earhart University/College Scholarship in the Subject line.


Amelia Earhart Scholarship College/University Scholarship Forms can be downloaded here


Amelia Earhart P.A.C.E. High School Scholarship
The ZONTA Club of Miami Lakes offers a $750.00 scholarship to a young woman currently enrolled in an accredited Florida PACE High School program.  The purpose of the scholarship is to improve the “Status of Women” consistent with the mission of Zonta, and to honor fellow Zontian Amelia Earhart’s accomplishments. 


Applicants must demonstrate a superior academic record at a recognized Florida PACE High School with accredited courses leading to College studies as verified by official transcripts. The qualifying recipient will receive the $500 award and be honored at the ZONTA Club of Miami Lakes Amelia Earhart luncheon in January. 


Amelia Earhart Scholarship Pace High School Scholarship Forms can be downloaded here. 

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